Hello beautiful soul!
My name is Elvira Mana and I am so glad you found this site!
I’m here to serve you and share all that I know with you.
Is It a Gift? Am I Different?
Since I remember, I have always had “special gifts” and I was getting messages from the other world. I always used my intuition and more than once I just had the “knowing feeling” of what to do. I used it casually, thinking that probably everyone was having these experiences. In a way it’s true, we all have intuition and the ability to connect, but in my case, it was more powerful. Eventually, I even wrote a book about this “Following your heart- Parenting Guide Using Your Intuition in Raising Kids”.
My Life Story
I chose the traditional path and graduated with an MBA in Business. I worked for a big manufacturing industry in different management positions. For many years systems and excel files were my best friends. To be honest, they still are my best friends but nowadays I have a few others as well. I’m married, with three children and everything is on track.
At the same time, I was exploring, studying and connected to the spiritual world. It has always fascinated me. However, as I mentioned, when I got messages from the other world mainly by dreams and whenever had been asked to do something or deliver a message to someone else, I found myself utterly frightened. Even more… I was terrified. I always asked for the messages to leave me alone and that I didn’t need them in my life. I pushed this part of me away ….
I couldn’t handle it when the challenge presented itself.
I knew that it’s part of who I am, but apparently, I was not ready to face it.
The Universe Forces- How did I find myself facing my fears?
As always, when you are not taking the step and avoiding your call, guess what happens? Correct, the universe will make you to do the move. This time it won’t be gentle signs but it will bring forceful change and will take you while you are “screaming and kicking”, forcing you to face your demons. So… that’s exactly what happened to me. The place where I worked closed the doors and I found myself a bit lost. My career that defined me, no longer existed.
The “Aha” Moment!
By then, I already took so many coaching and spiritual development courses, but it still was not the real deal. One evening, I was asking “what is the next move”? I asked for a sign. As I said, I always could see the signs…patterns numbers, phone call, and more. I could understand the message, it was natural to me. So, I asked…. And Lo… and behold, I got an email invitation to another coaching education course that is focused on holistic, spiritual and traditional coaching aspects. I felt the urge to answer them and after one conversation of screening process, I was accepted to the program and begun really digging deep. It was painful…. But the transformation and the light were there. One thing followed the other…. And I kept studying, growing, practicing and eventually serving other souls by sharing and teaching my knowledge and providing my services.
Now I can share both of my expertise in life coaching and business coaching, while using spiritual and traditional modalities and experience.

Does It Sound Like You?
We all go through life and try new things, attachment to certain predicted outcomes is a very normal thing – it’s the mental mechanism through which we form relationships, try to take care of our health, happiness, make money and have all around well-being.
But what happens when the outcome doesn’t go as expected? What if our minds are fixated on one certain result?
What if there are blocks and restrictions, which we are not even aware of, that are holding us back?
Most likely, we will lose the ability to move on and we will feel STUCK and UNHAPPY.
Being STUCK and UNHAPPY doesn’t feel good; I know it because I was there.
Our work together will not only enable you to “remove the veil” and provide you with the opportunity to see and be aware of those blocks that are holding you back, but most importantly it will allow you to clear them!
“Our goal is to make you feel FREE and HAPPY”.
I can help you to find your unique manifestation Blueprint, your code to unlock the key to your success and manifest your desired dreams.
Get Support - Let Me “See” It for You.
My coaching starts with full intuitive Reading and analysis that will give us a starting point and then follows a framework based on a scientific method in the positive psychology field and in the holistic and traditional coaching systems as well as business methods. We will focus on why you are stuck and unhappy, where and how to change it. Allow me to support you in this journey and unlock the code to your success and happiness.