House and Properties Reading and Clearing

Our house is our shelter, our personal space, our peace of mind and our place of protection. Unfortunately, sometimes we may feel exactly the opposite. We may feel a sense of negative energy at home, quarrels, lack of concentration and restlessness. It happens from many reasons while the most common is people’s energies that reside in the household or those that  just came to visit us and left behind their negative energy which needs to be cleared.

If you have doubts about your home, property, or business, this reading will reveal the negative energies and the hindering blocks. Perhaps, you are trying to sell or rent the house and it does not happen as you would like.   Let me help you to find out why you feel uncomfortable or why things are not going smooth at your house. I will clear any negative energy that is found and then will bless the house/property. For a final clearing, I’ll provide a physical clearing assignment that will be done by the customers themselves.

Reading conversation over the phone: up to 30 minutes

The session will be recorded and sent out to the client for his convenience.

Your Investment: $118

This reading has four parts:

  1. Property reading- Finding the negative energies and their source.
  2. Clearing Process- I’ll do the necessary clearing to the reading findings.
  3. Blessing-I’ll bless the property according to the client’s intention.
  4. Physical written instruction for the client.
  5. For real estate agents, property managers: please ask for package details.