Soul Readings
For Souls that are seeking answers.
“The Universe is wider than our view of it”. -Henry David Thoreau
What is a reading?

A reading is a private tailored session that I’m doing for you with the information presented to me in advance. In this session I use my signature blend of Akashic records, high attuned intuition, kabbalah cards and a framework based on the coaching methods to connect with your soul. We can look at relationships, life patterns, energy blocks, soul contracts, spirit guide and more.
The findings will allow you to find your strengths and gifts and use them in the best way in your life. While, at the same time we will uncover and clear your blocks and restrictions that are holding you back from fulfilling your full potential.
Finally, depending on the reading type, you will get Homework to keep your work.

Why I need a reading?
The outcome doesn’t go as expected and you feel stuck, confused, seeking answers. Perhaps, you are in a life transition and you need some guidance or you just want to improve your well-being. You can be stressed out from negative relationships or having constant drama in your life and looking for peace. There are many WHY reasons and here are some few things that it can help you:
- Give you guidance that can help you to make empowered choices that are aligned with your soul.
- Discover your life lessons, purpose and help you to reach your full potential.
- Understand better your patterns and relationship dynamics and show you how to resolve them so you can have healthier and fulfilled relationships.
- Reveal your blocks and restrictions that are holding you back and clear them.
- To break free from negative life patterns.
- Release negative emotions and balance your body.
- Clear soul contracts, unjustified karma, unnecessary vows and more from your path and empower your circumstances.
- Provide you with techniques to keep clearing your blocks.
- Access your soul’s essence and that will reveal your gifts and strength.
- Connect with your spiritual team for guidance and support- Ask and receive a message.
- Reclaim your personal power and create your desired life.
- Find your soul essence and connect with the truth.
- Discover past life experience that is affecting you in this lifetime.
There is so much more. We can keep on but I hope that you got the idea.
What are the Akashic Records?
“Everything in life is vibration”. -Albert Einstein
The Akashic Records are fields of energy and information that contains all wisdom across space and time. It is often referred to as ”The Book of Life” and mentioned in a few religious texts. The Akashic records are an enormous and infinite archive of the universe. Every word, emotion, decision, intention and action that we have done, felt or thought is documented in the collective memory and can be found in this field. The documentation is not only for our present life cycle, but also any past lives and any future potential.

Your Soul DNA

Each and every one of us has its own unique energetic frequency. Our soul vibration is one of a kind we can look at it as fingerprints.
There is not one fingerprint identical to the other, and so there is no one soul identical as well. Each and every one of us has his own personal record. Each soul has its own place in this infinite archive.
Anyone who enters the records can find his own soul’s essence and his soul’s DNA. This access to your records will reveal your Soul’s DNA, show you yours gifts and strength and allow you to understand yourself better.
Our Struggles and Pain
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. -Albert Einstein
Sometimes, we encounter challenges and we try to solve them but alas we are doing everything in our power , yet we feel that we are fighting against a hidden wall. We wonder, why the same pattern repeats itself over and over when we are desperate to change it. We undergo treatments, workshops, and therapy, but it still does not leave us.
The answer exists but in most cases we don’t see it and don’t understand the signs that the universe sends us, the truth can be found in the Akashic Records. The records contain all the past, present and future possibilities. When we become aware of the truth, we can release negative patterns and negative emotions and realign to our true essence.
Who has access?
Anything that holds energy has an Akashic Record that can easily accessed through a channeling process. Each and every one of us has access to our personal records, which is our innate right. Many times we enter this dimension through prayer, intuition, and meditation and receive answers to our questions without realizing exactly what happened to us.
Alternatively, we do not have access to the personal records of other people and of course no one else has permission to access our records without our explicit permission to them. The records are being protected by spiritual entities that observe and verify that every entry to the “Akashic Records” “The Book of Life” will be open only to that person.
There are collective records that we can enter but personal records do not have such a possibility.
There are two exceptions to the rule:
- A couple who are living together and shares a household. In this case one of the partners can ask for a reading for his partner without his consent.
- Parents can ask for a reading for their children without their consent as well.
The reason behind these exceptions is that our spouses and children influence us directly and have implications for what we experience. We are sharing the same energy in the household and often we find that some of the negative energies or challenges that we experience are coming from our most dears’ ones.
Though we know that each and every one can enter his personal records, we still find this very challenging. I’m here to offer you my skills and help you in your journey.
Your Part to Success
You will receive a comprehensive reading that will provide you what you need to hear and know in your journey of growth.
The blocks that we will uncover are the blocks that your soul knows that you are ready to face and deal with. Please note we will uncover only the first layer. A person can deal with only so much information and clearing at one point. As you clear, work on yourself and make the right choices, the soul will reveal and allow you to keep your good work.
While a clearing opens for you the door to transformation and healing, please understand that the effectiveness of this work will ultimately depend on:
– your willingness to be honest with yourself and be mindful of your choices in daily life.
– your willingness to take new actions and make new choices in order to rewrite the old negative patterns that keep you stuck.
- Your full Present name
- Your full name at birth(Please note- sometimes the present name and birth name are the same)
- Your place of birth (Country and city)
- Your date of birth
- Current place of your residence
- The intention of reading (What are you committed to manifest (or change) in your life within the next 3 to 6 months?)
Yours intention for Akashic Records reading is important. The more specific is your intention, the more concrete information comes through.
I need 5 days to prepare your reading on average. After your reading is completed I will do clearing at the Akashic Records level and prepare your Homework if needed.
I MUST ask your soul for permission to do a reading. If it does not allow it, then a full refund is immediately given prior to any further steps.
Choose Your Reading To Find Your Answers
*Please note that all readings are also available in Hebrew language.
Akashic Record Soul Reading
In this session, you’ll learn all about who you are on a soul level, how your unique nature translates into your everyday experiences and what energetic and karmic blocks from past life and present life are holding you back from living your purpose and achieving what you want. This reading is ideal for you if you would like to have a better understanding of yourself, and be able to understand the Why and How in changing your life for the better.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 80 minutes
Your Investment: $360
Life Situations Reading
This session is ideal for people who want to reveal any blocks in their life that are holding them back. To continue their work in specific life areas (relationships, wealth, well-being etc.), and keep working on dysfunctional patterns and negative energies. It is strongly recommended that you have had a Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading before having this session. If you did, the Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading, then please give it one month before having this life situation reading session.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 70 minutes.
Your Investment: $360
Manifestation Blueprint Analysis
It is strongly recommended that you have had a Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading before having this session. The Comprehensive Akashic records soul reading is about the WHO and WHAT, while the manifestation Blueprint analysis is all about the HOW.
You should know WHO are you on the soul level before you want to do the HOW- the manifestation process. This will allow you to see the full picture.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 60 minutes
Your Investment: $360
House and Properties Reading and Clearing
If you have doubts about your home, property, or business, this reading will reveal the negative energies and the hindering blocks. Perhaps, you are trying to sell or rent the house and it does not happen as you would like. Let me help you to find out why you feel uncomfortable or why things are not going smooth at your house. I will clear any negative energy that is found and then will bless the house/property.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 30 minutes.
Your Investment: $118
Message From Your Angels
Ask your questions and let your Angelic team give you the answers. Here, I’m offering my assistance as a Life Seer to mediate between you and your angelic team and to bring you the messages and advice from them to you. For each question/ concern I will access the Akashic records and a card from the Angels card Deck. Together it will provide the most accurate advice from your angelic team. Please note that the questions should not be a Yes or No questions but an open ended one.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 30 minutes
Your Investment: $118
Follow-up Reading Packages
These Packages are designed for repeat customers to receive the best value for their investment. I’m offering a few types of packages for your convenience. The Family Package and the Tripled Package.
Please click the button below to learn more about the packages.
Choose Your Reading Find Your Answers
Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading
Life Situations Reading
Manifestation Blueprint Analysis
House and Properties Reading and Clearing
Messages from your Angels
Reading Packages
*Please note that all readings are also available in Hebrew language.
Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading
In this session, you’ll learn all about who you are on a soul level, how your unique nature translates into your everyday experiences and what energetic and karmic blocks from past life and present life are holding you back from living your purpose and achieving what you want. This reading is ideal for clients that would like to have a better understanding of themselves. Understand the Why and How to change their life.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 80 minutes
The session will be recorded and sent out to the client for his convenience.
Your Investment: $360
This level one reading has four parts plus a bonus part:
- Soul profile- full reading of the soul essence, including life lessons, strength and gifts- description of the client’s full potential
- Blocks and restrictions- revealing any past and present life blocks that we have that are holding us back.The restrictions list is very detailed and comprehensive and allows us to discover if any unwanted life experiences happened to you because of your behavior, the influence of someone else, or because you are carrying it as an unresolved issue from your past lives.
- Clearing process for all the blocks and restriction findings are made for the client.After having a detailed list of the client’s blocks and restrictions that the soul wishes to deal with, I do a comprehensive clearing to release, clear and purify these negative energies from the client. This clearing will allow him to see the doors that were hidden from him and to take a step to the other side.
- Client Homework- client tailored homework for 21-40 days in order to shift the new energy into the client’s life. We add the element of ritual to target the subconscious mind. Doing this mindfully will involve conscious mind and getting faster results.
- Bonus part- Ask one question and have the answer of your spirit team.
Life Situations Reading
This session is ideal for people who want to reveal any blocks in their life that are holding them back. To continue their work in specific life areas (relationships, wealth, well-being etc.), and keep working on dysfunctional patterns and negative energies. It is strongly recommended that you have had a Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading before having this session.
If you did, the Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading, then please give it one month before having this life situation reading session.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 70 minutes.
The session will be recorded and sent out to the client for his convenience.
Your Investment: $360
This reading has five parts plus a bonus part:
- The client writing stage
A. What do I need help with?
The client writes a list of everything that happens in his life that he doesn’t like or want to change. It can be anything from a state of mind, feelings, things that happened, events, current situation in different life areas and so on. Basically, this includes everything the client feels they should have help in that area.
B. What do I want to achieve?
The client will focus on writing everything that he is interested in achieving and have in his life.
* Both written parts should be provided by the client in order to start the reading process. - Sorting and Classifying – The client’s list will be sorted and classified using the Book of Life special technique. This classification will allow us to find out different symptoms for the same root problem.
- Each root group will be examined and tested with a comprehensive blocks and restrictions list that have prevented the client from realizing his/her full potential.
- Clearing process for all the blocks and restriction findings made for the client. After having a detailed list of the client’s blocks and restrictions that the soul wishes to deal with, I do a comprehensive clearing to release, clear and purify these negative energies from the client. This clearing will allow him to see the doors that were hidden from him and to take a step to the other side.
- Client Homework – client tailored homework for 21-40 days in order to shift the new energy into the client’s life. We add the element of ritual to target the subconscious mind. Doing this mindfully will involve conscious mind and getting faster results.
- Bonus part – depends on the reading findings, one spirit message or Akashic information that the client needs to know.
Manifestation Blueprint Analysis Unlock the code to your manifestation process!
It is strongly recommended that you have had a Comprehensive Akashic Record Soul Reading before having this session. The Comprehensive Akashic records soul reading is about the WHO and WHAT, while the manifestation Blueprint analysis is all about the HOW.
You should know WHO are you on the soul level before you want to do the HOW- the manifestation process. This will allow you the full picture.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 60 minutes
The session will be recorded and sent out to the client for his convenience.
Your Investment: $360
We all want to manifest the things that we want, however at the same time we are also manifesting the things that we don’t want in our life. Our soul experiences its divinity either way but we less enjoy it when we manifest the unwelcome results.
There are times when we manifest things that we desire and other times it’s just stuck and the manifestation process seems forever, and we are giving up.
- What If I tell you that you can get your individualized code to unlock your own manifestation Blueprint?
- What if you can shift your vibrational state at the physical body level so that you can attract the circumstances you want?
- What if you can do it time after time and doing it consciously?
Manifesting is about creating a new set of circumstances at the level of our physical reality.
We all want to change or manifest our own:
- Physical bodies – Health: get out of pain, drop twenty pounds, etc.
- Environment – Money: new home, travel, new experiences, career, business, etc.
- Relationship – Romantic partnership: People we share our environment with
In this session I’ll provide you the Seven Keys to your Blueprint manifestation- your unique combination to manifest you desire life. Having this Analysis will open your eyes to a new way of manifestation and from this point you will no longer wonder “Why it’s not happening to me?”
House and Properties Reading and Clearing
Our house is our shelter, our personal space, our peace of mind and our place of protection. Unfortunately, sometimes we may feel exactly the opposite. We may feel a sense of negative energy at home, quarrels, lack of concentration and restlessness. It happens from many reasons while the most common is people’s energies that reside in the household or those that just came to visit us and left behind their negative energy which needs to be cleared.
If you have doubts about your home, property, or business, this reading will reveal the negative energies and the hindering blocks. Perhaps, you are trying to sell or rent the house and it does not happen as you would like. Let me help you to find out why you feel uncomfortable or why things are not going smooth at your house. I will clear any negative energy that is found and then will bless the house/property. For a final clearing, I’ll provide a physical clearing assignment that will be done by the customers themselves.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 30 minutes
The session will be recorded and sent out to the client for his convenience.
Your Investment: $118
This reading has four parts:
- Property reading- Finding the negative energies and their source.
- Clearing Process- I’ll do the necessary clearing to the reading findings.
- Blessing-I’ll bless the property according to the client’s intention.
- Physical written instruction for the client.
- For real estate agents, property managers: please ask for package details.
Message from your Angels
Ask your questions and let your Angelic team give you the answers.
We all wish and look for answers and advice for our concerns and problems; alas we find that
most of the time it’s very hard to receive.
Yes, we may receive advice from our loved ones or a friend but we can’t ignore their lack of objectivity, necessary knowledge or a higher perspective that we are looking for.
In certain times and important life decisions we all seek to get advice from someone that doesn’t have any hidden agenda, ego issues and he/she is there only for us. He/she is there to love us, to protect us and to see that we are on the right path. So, there is someone like that, and NO it’s not your mother, it’s your personal spiritual guidance angelic team. They are trying to connect and send you signs and messages all the
time; however, like the majority of us we are missing them.
Here, I’m offering my assistance as a Life Seer to mediate between you and your angelic team and to bring you the messages and advice from them to you.
This reading combines two different methods in order to bring the best and the clearest advice for the client.
The first method is the book of life energetic records that the angelic team provides and the second one is the “Messages from your angels Cards” by Doreen Virtue.
Each of the cards will give additional advice and a message to the client.
Reading conversation over the phone: up to 30 minutes
The session will be recorded and sent out to the client for his convenience.
Your investment: $118
The Reading process:
The client asks up to three questions /concerns ahead of time.
For each question/ concern I will access the Akashic records and a card from the Angels card Deck. Together it will provide the most accurate advice from the client’s angelic team.
*Any additional questions that will be added to this reading will cost $36.
Please note – the questions are not Yes or No questions but an open one.
The reason is that your angelic team is not allowed to interfere with your free will, but will provide you with advice and guidance. At the end of the day we are the only one that allow ourselves to take the final decision and this is part of our human experience.
Follow-up Reading Packages
These Packages are designed for repeat customers to receive the best value for their investment. I’m offering a few types of packages for your convenience.
The Family Package
This package will allow you to purchase two or more “comprehensive Akashic record soul readings” for your spouse or your children at the best value.
As a mother and wife, I know the feeling and the urge to help my dears.
How many times we want to help or understand our children better and we find it as the most challenging thing? Perhaps, you just want more tools to deal with the challenges and to guide them to the right direction.
This reading will allow you to understand their soul essence and see from which place they operate. It may be your spouse, and you find out that you just don’t understand him/her or he/she needs some help that he/she is not allowing him/herself out of pride.
Another reason to consider is that our spouses and children influence us directly and have implications on what we experience.
We are sharing the same energy in the household and often we find that some of the negative energies or challenges that we experience are coming from our most dears’ ones.
Anyway you look at it, there is enormous benefit to use this family package and it’s strongly recommended to any parent or spouse.
Please note – Family packages are for:
A couple who are living together and shares a household. In this case one of the partners can ask for a reading for his partner without his consent. Parents can ask for a reading for their children without their consent as well.
Your Investment: For two readings $318 per reading saving of 12%.
For three or more readings $299 per reading saving of 17%.
After the payment you will be invited to schedule a short phone call to schedule the meetings.
The Tripled Package
The most valued reading package for you!
This package will allow you to purchase all three reading in the best value.
- The comprehensive Akashic records soul reading
- Manifestation Blueprint Analysis
- House reading and clearing
This package is strongly recommended and allows you to understand the WHO, WHAT and HOW and keep your way clear from any new blockages and to realign to your soul purpose. You will be amazed by how much you can change and achieve when you understand your soul and know your code to your manifestation process.
Your total Investment is only $699 instead of $838.
After the payment you will be invited to schedule a short phone call to schedule the meetings.